Nick Gotti AKA Era The Pimp, Age 36, Resident of Christchurch

Local rapper and big fan of rape!

He caused a stir with his 2013 classic "ERA THA PIMP AT THE RICCARTON HORSE RACES". Some accused him of condoning rape in this video. He says, "I don't think rape is cool... I realise now it's not the best thing to say but I didn't mean go out and rape someone" He opens the video with the lyrics "Hate it when I'm at the club and a bitch don't wanna suck me off; so I'm gonna rape that slut" In this same video he is seen following random (often seemingly intoxicated) women around and sexually harassing them, telling clearly uncomfortable women that he would bend them over and fuck them right there in the Riccarton Racecourse of sunny Christchurch. This was bad enough that he had an article written about him! Some other choice lines from that song include "See me through your curtain when I'm peeping through your window" "In my spare time I like to be a predator" The video: The Article: Nick is also a big gamer, when he plays Counter-Strike he yells at random people and children for talking in casual games and calls them racist slurs and insults, calling random people "fat asians", "black cunts", etc. He also threatens to beat the shit out of people just for telling him to shut up! Here's his Steam profile: Nick "Era The Pimp" Gotti, a resident of our beautiful city of Christchurch, is a talentless, racist, balding 36 year old man who enjoys being a generally negative force in the lives of others, and he very well may be a danger to the women of our city, as evidenced by his willingness to portray himself as a violent rapist in his own music. It's not like he made this song as a teenager either... it was released when he was 27! Don't let this freak get away with his anti-social behavior. His Facebook(s): His old Twitter:

The man himself: